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Frustrated with Your Amazon Channel?

No one cares more about your brand than you. So why would you hand over the most important sales channel to someone else? 

Thousands of brands have already made the switch. Why haven’t you?

Start Today

Why You Should Break Up With Your Resellers

Back in the early 2010s, resellers provided a valuable service. They accelerated revenue for brands on this new platform called Amazon and took advantage of FBA, low competition, and good margins.

Those days are long gone and the reseller model is dead.

More and more brands are moving away from the reseller model and are now selling directly themselves.

Why? Here are a few reasons..

  • Out of Stock = Lost Revenue

    Has your brand ever been out of stock on Amazon and there was nothing you could do about it? When you only sell to 3P resellers, you are at the mercy of their POs. And if those POs are late or too low, you run the risk of stocking out. And if you stock out, that means lost revenue that can never be recovered.

  • More Control

    Ever had the wrong image on a listing? Or a set of products that are grouped the wrong way? Or a thousand other things that are wrong about your brand? Selling yourself means you’re the boss and can present your brand just the way you want.

  • More Margin

    Removing middlemen means more margin for you. How much margin, you ask? Depends on your retail price, your current wholesale price, and your product size. We’ll run this analysis for you for free with no strings attached. Fill out this form to get started.

  • Resellers Are Dying

    You don’t have to dig too deep to see how much pain aggregators and amazon resellers are in. Several have gone under and expect to see more in the coming months. We feel bad for them, but with higher selling fees and more competition, there just isn’t enough meat on the bone for a middleman on Amazon anymore. Don’t get stuck on a sinking ship. Make preparations to build your own ship before you’re left stranded in the water.

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Think Amazon is Too Complicated? Think Again.

Amazon is much more complex than it used to be, for sure.

But no one reaches the summit by themselves. They use sherpas and other guides to prepare them, support them, and show them the way.

That's where Genesis comes in. We specialize in helping brands bring their Amazon channel in house using a battle tested approach that has helped our clients move from the old model of selling to resellers to becoming the exclusive seller of their brand, resulting in more revenue, more profits, and more control over their brand.

Brands Who Have Made the Switch

We know you have an ocean of options when it comes to “amazon experts”. So what sets us apart?

In short, we’ve been in your shoes.

We come from the brand side and have scaled companies to $30+ million in annual revenue. We've done trade shows, buyer line reviews, moved 3PLs, global manufacturing, freight forwarding, CPSC audits, Shopify builds and rebuilds, cash flow statements and balance sheets, and everything else you have on your plate right now.

We bring all that "off Amazon" knowledge and expertise while focusing on growing your brand "on Amazon", bringing you more control, more revenue, and more profits.


I want to bring Amazon in house but have no idea where to even begin.

You've come to the right place! We've been helping brands bring Amazon in house since 2015 and know it can be daunting. The first step is to fill out this form and we will jump on a brief call to understand your specific situation. Once we have a lay of the land, we will share recommendations and insights related to what a transition might look like for you.

What is the process of transitioning from 3P resellers?

It's easier than you think! It does vary slightly from one brand to another so we recommend filling out our contact form so we can speak to your specific situation.

How long does it take to get up and running on Amazon as a seller?

About 30 days.

A word of caution...

You may be tempted to start the process on your own. Configuring your account with the correct logins and settings is VITAL so we recommend reaching out BEFORE you do so.

How much do you charge?

Initially, $0. We often work for months helping get you ready to make the switch. Once you start generating revenue through your own account, we take a small % of those sales. In other words: no retainer, 100% performance based.

What Our Customers Say

  • "We brought Amazon in house because we were having issues with our last vendor not keeping enough inventory in Amazon. We were also missing out on a big financial opportunity…so we wanted to try it ourselves but we really didn’t have the knowledge to bring it in house. Genesis has been great. They’ve provided so many different options and they let you make it your choice on what you want to do and you feel like you have control over your company."

    - Kyle, Obenauf's

  • "Genesis helped my brand get on Amazon. I gave them my assets and they did everything. They were fantastic to work with, answered all my questions (I had a lot), and were very patient and kind. They know Amazon in and out and I would definitely recommend them to anyone looking to get their product up on Amazon."

    - Sean, Tantos

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Why Trust Genesis

We've been selling on Amazon since 2010 and have developed the ultimate playbook for growing brands in today's environment.

To succeed on Amazon today, you need a comprehensive strategy for your brand. That's why we offer a full-service solution for brands looking to make the switch and bring their Amazon channel in house.

Channel Management

  • Experts with Transition from 3P Resellers and Amazon 1P
  • Channel Conflict Consulting (marketplace, ecom, retail, international)
  • Pricing Strategy & Margin Analysis
  • Case Management & Resolution

Brand Optimization

  • A/B Testing
  • Enriched Product Listings (Images, Copy, Video)
  • A+ Content & Storefront Design
  • Trademark & Brand Registry Support
  • Buy Box Monitoring and Protection

Advertising & Marketing

  • Sponsored Ads (PPC)
  • Bid & Budget Optimization
  • Keyword Harvesting
  • Promotions & Deals Management

Data & Analytics

  • Performance Reporting & Insights
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Customer Behavior Tracking
  • Conversion Rate Optimization

Logistics & Fulfillment

  • Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) Setup & Management
  • Multi-Channel Fulfillment
  • Supply Chain Optimization
  • International Expansion Support

Want to explore what's possible for your brand?